In my two postpartum experiences, I have been absolutely blown away by the number of MLM coaches/representatives (I'm looking at YOU, Beach Body and Shakeology) who have come out of the woodwork, out from under bridges, and sometimes out of the blue to accost me via the social media or text message with all kinds of offers. I'll give you some actual verbiage, here: "Hey, I've got some awesome meal replacement supplements that will really help you with breastfeeding and get rid of the baby weight. It would mean a lot if you would come to a sample night and support me." I got that gem when I was not even two weeks postpartum. (This was from a neighbor). "Hey! I've been using a really great program and I'd love to share it with you. When you're ready to get back into shape and lose the baby weight, let me know! I'd love to help you." Um, postpartum is a certain kind of shape. (This from another neighbor). I'm not...
As I'm sure every person reading this has as well, I have been absolutely floored by the evil crap that has gone viral on YouTube. I refuse to post the picture of the person doing that and won't even say the name, but it scared the hell out of me as a grown woman, and has cost me sleep the last two nights. I felt like I needed to share it with my husband, so I texted him a screenshot of an article with the image and then immediately deleted the picture out of the message thread as well as my phone. He was pretty disturbed and didn't even want to have a conversation about it. I've felt the burden of protecting and teaching and sheltering my kids become heavier than it ever has been. These little people are the most tender, most impressionable, most vulnerable, most precious resource on earth. The amount of utterly vile crap they are assaulted with these days sometimes feels beyond comprehension. When I was growing up, we had videos. Like, a video cassette. There ...