If you're anything like me, it happens like this. It's summer. Life is wonderful. It's warm, and you play outside, and your husband is always in a good mood because his team is neither winning or losing because they aren't in season. It's great. It's beautiful. And then, faster than a speeding ticket, your life is consumed - CONSUMED - by colorful jerseys, and mad dashes home from (insert event here) because "The Game" is about to start (which one? I swear "The Game" was last week. I'm so lost.) and in approximately 3.5 hours or 4 if there's overtime your better half will either be elated and or sulking, followed by reading ESPN's recap and asking what you thought about the Reverse Flea Flicker that altered the entire course of the game in the 3rd quarter. This will repeat several times a week for about 5 months and by the end of it you will start involuntarily dry heaving when you hear the words, "football" or ...